Local, State & National Campaigns
We have worked with campaigns on every level all over the country to equip them with the research they need to be successful. This includes self-research, opposition research and rapid response.
Public Policy Advocacy
We have worked with numerous issue advocacy groups and non-profits to utilize research to advocate and advance progressive policies and causes.
For-Profit Corporations
Corporations have a diverse set of research needs. We have worked with corporations large and small on opposition research, fact-checking, proxy fights, & Board and executive vetting.
Political Action Committees
We have worked with numerous state and national political action committees to create research for paid media campaigns and rapid response.

Sidewire: Lis & LaBolt featuring Nick Hackworth
Sidewire Q & A with Nick Hackworth of M Street Solutions hosted by Lis Smith, Co-Founder of 50 State Communications, and Ben LaBolt, Co-Founder of The Incite Agency.
December 20, 2016 -
Politico: Hackworth Forms M Street Solutions
SCOOPLET … HACKWORTH FORMS M STREET SOLUTIONS: One of President Barack Obama’s top opposition researchers is forming a new shop. Nick Hackworth, who led the opposition research team for Obama’s 2012 reelection campaign, has launched M Street Solutions. The researching consulting firm will work on both political and corporate clients.
September 25, 2013 -
The Hill: Former Obama Opposition Researcher Launching Research Firm
A longtime opposition researcher for President Obama is launching his own research firm, M Street Solutions, which will work with both political and corporate clients.
Nick Hackworth, who most recently served as director of strategic research for Obama’s 2012 reelection fight, is heading up the venture.
September 25, 2013 -
Roll Call: Obama Opposition Researcher Launches New Firm
Nick Hackworth, the director of strategic research for President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign, launched a new research firm called M Street Solutions on Wednesday.
September 25, 2013
Looking for some help with your next corporate or political research? Submit your details and we’ll connect with your team shortly. You can also email us if you would prefer.